Thursday, March 12, 2009


Drat. I did it again.
I forgot to post yesterday.

I guess I need not buy any books for the rest of the month. HOWEVER, knowing myself as I do, I fear that now that I have "lost" my bet with myself, I will stop writing these daily posts. For, if you remember, the bet was I write a post every day or I can't buy any books for the month.

Therefore, I may decide at some point -- sheesh! even later today perhaps -- to double up a post and "make good", giving me the opportunity to buy a book -- If I feel like I'm going to cave on the book buying issue.

I've discovered that morning time is the time to blog for me. Usually after Aubrey leaves for school but before Robert wakes up. Yesterday Robert woke up with a nightmare just as I was waking Aubrey up. I tried putting him in my bed but he never went back to sleep -- thereby disrupting my schedule enough that I forgot about writing.

And we had a full day yesterday.

It was bath day for Robert. (Yes, I have to schedule them in or he doesn't take them.)
Then I had a Weight Watchers meeting (lost 2.6 pounds -- but it doesn't count really, because I was trying to go down from the 4+ lbs. I gained the two weeks before, putting me at a higher weight than when I started).

We picked up Cafe Yumm lunch after that and brought it home where a friend of mine met us. We munched and talked, then took Robert to his roller skating class.

Then we went to the University of Oregon's bookstore and went downstairs. To the art supplies. pant pant.

I spent too much money on stuff we "needed."
I put it on the credit card. (small eek inserted here.)

But now I am off to ready Aubrey for school. I apologize for the inane-ness of this post. I wanted to get something down, though, in case I didn't remember later. Another full day is planned with cleaning the house today. Several projects have been calling me and I REALLY want to get them accomplished.

Perhaps I'll take before and after pictures to show you.

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