Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I Freakin' Missed a Day Already!

Can you believe it?! I already forgot to post one day! Ah!

Yesterday I was exhausted most of the day and wandered around in a fog. My mother-in-law came over Monday afternoon (up from Roseburg) because we both go to a writer's critique group on Monday nights, and then she stays the night. Well, AFTER we got home Monday night after group (around 10 p.m.) we proceeded to watch to FOUR "Lost" episodes. This put me to bed at 1:30 a.m. -- causing the exhaustion and fog yesterday.

We spent most of the day playing "Bananagrams," a super-fabulous-awesome crosswords game that my friend Ginger turned me on to.

I also took Robert to his computer class. He hurt himself just before we left and so we ended up being an hour late for class. (eek) But he did manage to finish drawing the hieroglyphics on his beads for the Egyptian necklace he is making for the class' Egyptian theme.

Time to make oatmeal for Aubrey before she goes off to school....

I will write another post TODAY as an offering to the blog goddesses in the hopes that I may be permitted to buy myself another book this month. I say 'another' because I bought one on the 2nd (Monday) that has been recommended to me by a fellow blogger of inspiration. ("Handmade Homeschool") She knits. And I don't. But I want to. Thus the book.

"Stitch and Bitch."

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