Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I think I may have to take the Nablopomo challenge again, just so I am brought to the computer to post more often.

I wrote every day (mostly) in March. And I think I've posted four times this month and there's only two more days to the month!

Ug. I'm feeling like a failure.

It took Robert and I MONTHS to settle into an unschooling routine of sorts, and now Aubrey is home with us and we have yet to find our place. So that is on my mind.

I'm super into urban homesteading right now and voraciously read these blogs. My housemate and I are planning a trip to the feed and seed store to question the clerks about chickens. We are taking the kids because I want it to be a homeschooly thing. I want them to help pick out the breeds and such. And, of course, to hold the baby chicks.

My homesteader partner in crime, Steve, and I will tackle talking to Paul a.s.a.p. Steve also got a mason bee "home" to put up to encourage pollination. Our garden is waffling. The carrots and chamomile are coming up finally, and the kale in the back garden, but the pests are still chomping the spinach, kale and chard. Poor chard. It looks like a beauty college flunkee tried to re-invent one of those eighties hair styles with the spikey purple parts.

I am learning the knit stitch and am finding more and more homeschooling moms who are willing to share there expertise with me. Hooray!

Yesterday we did Lego Club which was a big hit with Robert (not so much with Aubrey) and today we went to roller skating class and Papa's Pizza to meet friends and play. Tomorrow is park day (more playing!) and also picking up the eggs from our friends' home. (And No Shame night for Paul and I.) Friday is house cleaning and Bounce night for the kids.

Saturday is packed with a Reptile Walk on Mt. Pisgah and then our 2nd annual Firehawks hearth Spiralscouts Vegan Earth Dinner. Sunday is more cleaning (my office has started bleeding recycled paper all over the floor again) and then a playdate of Aubrey's at a new friend's home. The mom raises angora rabbits and sheers the fiber, spins it and sells it -- which I ALL over. I can't wait to see.

Then Monday is the chick day -- we're just checking them out and asking questions, maybe buying some equipment, not taking home any yet -- and the week starts all over again with classes and park days.

So that is what we do all week, in a nutshell. In case you were wondering.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Sounds so packed full of busy fun! :)