Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Up to speed

So Sorry.

I have fallen by the wayside due to: birthday parties, sick children, missing the first performance of our new theater group (due to said illness), Easter bbq, playdates, field trip, and SpiralScouts meetings ... plus a huge 'restaurant' the scouts are pulling off this Saturday that we have to prepare for. And lack of sleep. This is because of insomnia or watching LOST episodes until midnight several nights this week.

I've been trying to hold my head above water.

My daughter's last day of school was Friday and she spent her first day of homeschooling at the dentist getting two teeth pulled and then recovering at home.

I've made a mild breakthrough in my novel and am starting it all over from scratch (well, not entirely) and what else ...

I know there is something else that's happened or is about to happen that I am forgetting.

I'll be sort-of performing my first No Shame theater performance tomorrow night (it's kind-of a test piece). Also am putting together a performance in May for friends and family (with our grand opening piece June 5th.)

That wasn't what I was trying to remember. HA! I almost typed "forget" and then promptly remembered what I forgot: I haven't done my taxes yet and just found out that I don't have my husband's W2's. Did I lose them?!

Yeah. I'd like to forget about these taxes again.


I will be a good blogger and put up some homeschooly pictures of our field trip in a couple days. Please bare with me and PLEASE come back and leave a comment. I love to get comments. It helps with crazy, insane, freaky weeks like these.


Oh yeah. And the slugs are decimating our new baby garden! :( I'm trying to live more self-sustaining and grow my own food, etc., but slurping slugs make it seem pointless. (Sigh.)
I planted more kale and leeks to spite them. And we treated them to a fat buffet of Sluggo. But they still ate the heads off the marigolds!


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